Who are we
At a time when the conservation and management of natural resources are of paramount importance and are binding on all, its studies, analyzes and services for the high level of environmental and health conservation throughout the projects and procedures in the following areas:
- Environmental audit
- Environmental studies
- Audit, consulting, waste Evaluation and assessment
- Environmental and social Management of industrial and urban sites
- Industrial waste management
- Applied research in conservation ecology
- Training, development and communication documents
We always have professional solutions for your business.
Water, soil and air analyzes: Composed of a team specialized in water, soil and air analyzes, our analytical methods are standardized and recognized nationally and internationally. Our laboratory is equipped…
PEST CONTROL : Deratization work (fight against rats and rodents), disinsection and fight against reptiles Works fight against pigeons SES Studies, analyzes and services for environmental and sanitary conservation Contact…
ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL STUDIES : Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) Environmental and social impact studies Pollution control studies Preliminary studies SES Studies, analyzes and services for environmental and sanitary conservation…
TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO INDUSTRIALS : Technical and business plan studies Water saving audit Energy saving audit Regulation of industrial waste Optimization and recovery of waste SES Studies, analyzes and services for…